Heater Oddities


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2008
Vancouver BC
I've come across a problem with my 25 gal's heater - granted this isn't exactly something that would be expensive to simply replace, but I can't stand a piece of hardware not doing what it's meant to do - I must bend it to my will if at all possible.

The heater is a Hydor Theo 150watt submersible. They're made in Italy, and the box is covered with notes about how accurate and durable this heater is supposed to be. Has anyone else had problems with this product line?

Anyway, here's the story.

The dial on the top shows a range of roughly 67 degrees to 91 degrees F. Unfortunately, when I set it at it's minimum setting it maintains a temperature of about 78 degrees. Turning it up a bit (to take it away from the absolute minimum setting) to the 69 degree mark, it produced a temperature of about 80 degrees. This tells me raising the setting a couple degrees results in a temperature change of a couple degrees.

My first thought is the dial wasn't mounted properly on the thermostat control. Since the dial has a small pin that prevents it from turning past it's marked settings, I decided to pull the plastic housing off the top to bypass it. I'm putting it through it's paces now (albeit carefully), to see I can attain a more comfortable temperature of 74-75 degrees.

Note: I have the heater mounted at the center of the back wall, in the vertical position. It is properly submerged, with a good amount of water moving past it. I do not believe this a positional problem.

Side Note: When I removed the plastic housing I discovered the area under the dial had become well packed with gunk - probably just algae. I don't think it was interfering with the heater in any way, but I wonder if an isolated spot like that can become a hiding place for contaminants?

SAFETY NOTE: Don't do this. Seriously. If you do something wrong and allow water to get inside the heater, really bad things can happen. So let me be perfectly clear - DO NOT DISASSEMBLE OR OTHERWISE MODIFY YOUR TANK'S ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. If your stuff isn't working, consider it broken and get it replaced.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2008
Vancouver BC
Thought I'd close this thread off... I'm guessing the absolute lack of replies would suggest that nobody else is having this problem.

I've been watching the temperature in my tank, and it appears the original problem is that the dial is set about 90 degrees too far clockwise. The dial is attached to the thermostat control using a square peg.

I have the temperature fairly stable at 75-76 degrees now.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2008
Vancouver BC
After reading the original post, I'll admit I could have worded it better. Sorry about that.

To summarize: My submersible heater was confused. I fiddled with it. It's still confused, but at least I know what it's doing now, and can correct it.

I'm still wondering if a water-filled (and heated) space with no access for cleaning can become a hazard in terms of biological or chemical contamination.

Other than that, I wanted to see if anyone else has had problems with this manufacturer. Nobody has mentioned any, so that's a good thing!


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I wouldnt wory about contamination..most of us here dont tear out decor for cleaning anyway remember beneficial bacteria grows on every surface of a tank not just the filter so if you tore down and completely cleaned your decor, etc. you would actually being doing more harm than good.