Heater Placement Around Dec. & Plants

Apr 4, 2011
Hello all! I am new to the aquarium world and are in the process of setting up a 15 gal. freshwater tank. I have just one thing that is bugging me *twirlysmi I bought a Rena Smartheater so I can put it horizontally along the bottom section of the tank. How far do plants and decorations need to be from the heater? I am doing fake plants as of now and maybe getting a few live ones down the road. I just dont want to have a melt down between the heater and decorations! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Mar 26, 2011
Malden, MA
Give it an inch if you are worried about it, but your filter constantly circulating water around everything should stop the heater from getting hot enough to melt anything as long as it it submerged. My ottos like to squeeze themselves into the tiny space between the heater and the glass from time to time, so it can't be too hot.

However!!! Be very careful when changing water and cleaning your tank to always unplug your heater first! When it is submerged, the heat is sucked into the water and everything is ducky. If it becomes un-submerged while you are cleaning the tank it will get super hot! So hot that when you pour more water into the tank to refill it, you can crack the glass tube that the heating element lives in. This is a great way to burn yourself (or a fish), electrocute yourself (or your fish), or break your heater. How do I know? Because I'm an idiot and I broke 2! that way.

I'm also an idiot who occasionally forgets to turn the heater back on when I'm done cleaning and have refilled the tank. Put a sticky note on the front glass or something to remind yourself. A cold fish is an unhappy fish! (Unless it's a gold fish). :)


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
hello; I doubt that you will have any problems with a completely submerged heater being close to fake plants. I have not used the submerged type heater nor any Rena brand, so cannot pass on knowledge from experience. I also will assume that you have the suitable amount of wattage for 15 gal.

I have used the type that hang from the rim of a tank. The leaves of live plants have grown up right around my heaters without a problem. I suspect that the heater will form a convection in the water when hot and this will carry away the heat as it is generated.

Circulation of the water by air bubbles or some sort of filter will also help dissipate the heat.

One caution when removing a heater. If you can think of it, unplug the heater a few minutes before to let it cool down in the water before removing it from a tank. A heater that has been on and immediately removed will hold enough residual heat to melt things like a plastic bag (or burn a finger) for a few minutes. You will also need to let one cool down before sticking it back into the tank.

You may want to leave a little space around the heater so that currents can form around it.

Apr 4, 2011

Thanks for the replies. Now I can really plan out the placement of everything while the heater is on it's way. I did a tone of research on heaters and the sizes before ordering so it should be perfect ( crossing my fingers ). I'll try to take some pictures for a new tank build. Thanks again! *SUNSMILE*