Heater problems


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
We needed to get a couple of new heaters. An ancient Ebo-Jager stopped working, although the light still stayed on (good thing I check the thermometers). The other we needed for a new tank.

Anyway, we wanted a couple of 50w heaters, so we ran off to the LFS, but they had nothing smaller than a 150w in stock. So, we went to PetCo, and picked up a couple of heaters by Aquatic Gardens. They were 50w heaters, at the huge price of $19.99 each. (online at petco, they're $12.99)

Within a couple of days, one of them went on the fritz (light flashing on and off, not heating). A week or so later, the other one stopped working. One of these was on the angelfish fry tank, so it was a little worrying having the temps in the low 70s.

So, we took them both back to PetCo, and swapped them for a Via-Aqua 50w Stealth heater ($29.99) and a partial refund. (damn, that place has expensive heaters, the same heater at BigAls is $13.49). The other heater we ordered from Big Als, another Via Aqua Titanium heater.

The moral of this story? Chain stores really rip you off on price!


Small Fish
Nov 26, 2004
Visit site
I had the same problem with the Aquatic Gardens 50w, Except mine only flashed for a little while after plugging it in, then no more. Exchanged it for a whisper 100w, it works great.