heater question

Oct 22, 2002
Cheektowaga, NY
i have a question about a generic heater i'm using in one of my tanks. the light that indicates when the heater is on flashes almost constantly. i understand that it is turning on and off to keep the temperature regulated but it seems to do it way more than my other heaters. it also makes an audible sounds everytime it clicks on and off. is there any danger from this? maybe blowing a fuse or something?

Oct 22, 2002
That clicking sound is quite normal I heard it for years with one of my heaters. If it appears the light is turning on and off, say more than three or four times every couple of minutes there could be a problem.

Oct 22, 2002
Cheektowaga, NY
cool thanks for the help, i already planned on getting an ebo-jager, i have them in my other tanks. i just wasn't sure how soon i need to go out and buy one. one question on ebo-jagers...is it ok to put them completly under water even tho mine have a water level line on it? i heard that was just to cover them from any lawsuits or something like that.