Setting two (or more) heaters of this type is really pretty simple. I have 2 x 300 watt Rena electronic heaters in my 75 (US) gallon tank, and just set them to the same temperature on the dial (that's about the best you can do with this type of heater). I notice that the heater on the right side of my tank was coming on more often than the one on the left, but this could have been because the right side of the tank is by a window.
On older type mechanical heaters, there is a bimetalic strip that deflects one way or the other when heated or cooled. I find these to be easier to set exactly to one another. With one heater plugged in and set to the water temperature, place the other heater close by, but don't plug it in. Let the temperature stabilize for a few minutes (15-20 or so), then plug in the second heater. Adjust the thermostat until the indicator light blinks. They are now both set to the same temperature.
And yes, you might be a bit overly-concerned