As I ponder my dream tank, I've always wondered one thing. How the heck do they heat larger aquariums? IF you figure the 2-5 watts per gallon on a 1000 gallon tank, that's 2k to 5k watts.. IS simply putting 6 of the 1,000watt submersibles in the sump the only option aside from running a dedicated hot water heater? I did some research, and always came up short when it came to this area. (This would be a saltwater set-up, 540 gallon tank, (8ft x 3 ft x 3ft), with a 100 gallon sumpfugium, and an additonal 100 gallon tank in line simply for additional water in the system, and to grow any "feeder" fish, amphipods, and/or copepods... probably close to 50 gallons in the skimmer and lines.. (this comes to 800 gallons, but I like to figure 1000 to be safe). SO I guess my question is- WHat is the simplest/most cost effective way to heat a 1000 gallon system?