Heeeeere's equinom!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet

I am equinom - I live in Wilmington, Delaware.
My 7 year old son and I have started keeping fish in December, 2001.  I think he may be losing interest but I can't get enough!  My husband thinks I'm strange that I stare at the tanks...

We currently have 3 freshwater tanks: 12, 5 and 1.  My prize is Mr. Flash - an amazing blue & red betta.  He has his own place (the 1 gal), his own shot glass (read as "cave") couple of silk plants and a filter.  Yes, a filter.  It does create current, but he doesn't seem to care and his fins are spectacular - not a tear.  

If there any other fish people in my area - let's talk.  I'm always looking for a great fish store (excuse to get another tank...)

And thanks for the site - I think it's great, it's been very helpful.  


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
OK - what's the meaning of this

"... someone who has been here for as long as equinom... "

Crying out loud - I know I'm old enough to be just about everyone on this boards mother, but hell. How about a little respect? *laughingc

Yes - that intro was posted a long time ago - but I'll take all the "hello, how are you's" that come along.

And speaking of mothers - you can all send your Mother's Day gift directly to my tank...