Hello all I thought that I would finally introduce myself.


Small Fish
Jul 30, 2004
Altus, Oklahoma
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Hi everyone.
I have been reading this site since early June. It has been very helpful. I have had Bettas for about 3 years and have had a 10 gal for about 1 year now. But they really are kept in my kid's rooms. I wanted some thing for me. So last May I got a 55 gal all set up and let it cycle with 3 feeder gold fish (at the time I had never heard of a fishless cycle) for 2 months that was a long 2 months. Well the feeders went to the nieghbors Oscar, and I got my first fish for me a Black Ghost Knife Awsome fish love him. Next I got two Angles and 2 Ottos, What next I don't know. I am changing my tank around getting rid of the fake drift wood and going with slate caves. I would like to go with live plants but that will have to wait. I am testing the my water quality with a small slate cave in it to see if it will change my PH. So far no change I will give it another week before I add the rest. Well that is it for now. I will post a picture as soon as I get a new Cam Dropped my old one. Alot of you don't know it but you have given me some great advice.
Thanks Bill K


Small Fish
Jul 30, 2004
Altus, Oklahoma
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I have quite a few slate caves, all very close to each other so he can go from cave to cave and still feel secure. He is the coolest fish I have found. Loves to eat blood worms, he will come out into day light for his very special treat. But most of the time he lives up to his name as a Ghost, he is there in the shadows. I need to set up a moon light system like everyone has been talking about so I can watch him at night when he is most active.

I should have a new cam next week so I can get some pics up so you can see how it is set up.


Small Fish
Jul 30, 2004
Altus, Oklahoma
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"Cool avater. C-17 Globemaster? We got a base here in SC that is home to them (Charleston AF Base). They were the first base to get them."

I spent 7 1/2 years flying C17s out of Charleston. As far as I am concerned Chucktown is my home no matter where the AF sends me. By the way I miss Columbia we used to go there every couple of months. OK and I dont get along so well not close enough to the beach, and the only FS with in 100 miles is Mall-mart. That is what they call Wallmart around here, no malls either.


Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I spent 7 1/2 years flying C17s out of Charleston. As far as I am concerned Chucktown is my home no matter where the AF sends me. By the way I miss Columbia we used to go there every couple of months. OK and I dont get along so well not close enough to the beach, and the only FS with in 100 miles is Mall-mart. That is what they call Wallmart around here, no malls either.
Cool. I love going to Charleston, its prob. one of my favorite cities around. Columbia is ok, but i'm ready for a change. Been here my whole life...18 years born and raised where i am now. Being close to the beach is good though :)