Hello all, new here

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
Hi guys, I'm the new guy here, I just recdntly set up my first aquarium and within two weeks I had purchased another tank, the first one I set up is the fluval edge and I like it so far and the second setup is a traditional 10 gallon. I will post up some pictures as soon as I can, I just wanted to say hello

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA

And now the fluval, I really really like the looks of this tank, I have an air pump dumping right into the water in the filter for better oxygen transfer in the tank, and live planted with kyoto grass, and a blue led light for a beautiful night time look, I was going for something a little different in my 10 gallon and i thought what better than a coke bottle and a coke can with the top removed, I thought it would be cool and I really like it, comments and criticism are welcome!

Enjoy!! :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Your Coke bottle and can are fun! Never seen that before.
If you aren't going to go 'natural', I love kitschy additions that reflect your own character; though I'm not a fan of the stuff the fish stores sell you like mini-castles, etc.
I have mini terra cotta pots in my tank.
Oh, and welcome to MFT!

Feb 27, 2009
Just a note, the "kyoto grass" (Ophiopogon japonica) is not an aquatic plant and will die submerged over time. It is what is known as a marginal plant, meaning it lives on the edges of a body of water and can tolorate being flooded for a time during the rainy season when the water levels rise. To thrive and live long-term, however, it must be exposed to air.

Sadly, it is often sold as an aquarium plant, sometimes also called "Mondo Grass."

Welcome to MFT!

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
Yeah I'm not a huge fan of the castles and stuff either just not my deal, and the kyoto grass was sold as an aquatic plant so I figured it would work that is bad news because I really like the way it looks too, oh well I will just have to find something else no biggie, thanks for the info and the welcoming!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Keep in mind also that your angelfish, redtailed shark AND mollies are eventually going to outgrow that little 6gal Fluval Edge. They look cool in there right now, but angelfish tend to need 40+ gallons and a tall tank (they get to be 6" long and 8-10" tall), redtailed sharks get to be 2ft long (I think...someone can correct me if I'm wrong) and even the mollies will get to be 6" long. I'm not sure about the size on the cichlid I see in there. Not trying to be a downer, just giving you fair warning so that when your fishes start to grow, you're prepared.

I LOVE the Coke theme, though! That is adorable! And the natural look in the Edge looks awesome as well.

Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
Well I can't say you are being too much of a downer, I have become addicted and I already want a 55 gallon tank so that will give me an excuse to get one, and the shark is an Albino Rainbow Shark, not too sure on how big he will be


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Any of the "shark" species get to be huge. The rainbow shark (in either variety) gets to be 6".

According to AqAdvisor, with just what I can see in there and not counting whatever cichlid that is I see, you're at 213% stocking capacity with just the five fish I can see and identify (the angelfish, mollies, guppy and rainbow shark). Eep! I'd suggest getting that 55gal ASAP.

Fluval Edges are good for micro fish like harlequin rasboras and neons.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
It does help a lot. That 213% is based on the fish at their adult size. However, they grow pretty rapidly (especially the angelfish). I'd say just keep your eyes peeled for any good deals on 40+ gallon set ups and you'll be golden.

Nice setup you have going on :]

I've heard from a few fish guys that those fluval tanks can be a little "iffy" so to speak because under a lot of pressure they may break due to only being sealed on the insides with the glue type stuff, rather than having the bind on the outside. He even showed us a couple and they were easily wiggled. Just curious if yours is like that or is pretty good?

hmm nope mine is solis as it can be no issures at all, I haven't heard anything like that though i would have looked more closely and did some more research before purchasing.
Oh definitely, I really like the tanks, just had heard that and saw him moving one about in a way that seemed iffy. It could have been bad made models though, even great made tanks can have issues.