hello all


Small Fish
Feb 15, 2004
Visit site
greetings to everyone*celebrate
after having been in this hobby many years,and then regretably not participating in for several years,I'm back!See I was living in Northridge Calif. when the Northridge eathquake back in the 90s hit and me and my aquariums took quite the hit.I lost a 125 species tank along with 90gl. two 20gl. and one 10gl. tanks,along with all the precious and loved occupants.
so here it is 2004 and my fiance knowing of my past and longing to get back into fishkeeping bought me a 30gl. tank for christmas:) which at the time I have established a colorful community tank,filled with sunburst platies,mollies,swordtails,1 betta,1 glass catfish,1 pleco,1redtailed shark. And an other tank is soon to be established with convicts,and dempsey's
I found this site surfing,glad I did seems like a fun,knowledgable group! Look forward to talkinf with you all soon,feel fee to email me.....*PEACE!*


Small Fish
Feb 15, 2004
Visit site
I have been very lucky and amazed myself with some of my groupings of fish,I actually had a Jack Dempsey that was one of the biggest sweethearts I have ever had,I raised him from a fry and he grew up in a tank that was stocked with swordtails and platies and I swear to you he never bothered any of his tankmates to a aggresive degree! My current Betta occupies the front part of my tank and and occaisionly chases the male swordtail,but other then that is off in his own world looking good!
And thanks much to you all, this is truely a great group and site!l