Hello All


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2007
Somers, NY
Puttering around on the net I realized I wouldn't mind a place to talk fish and use as a resource once n' awhile.

My tank info's all in my sig, so it should give you a good idea of what's goin' on there, and here's two quick pics of the whole shebang:

I've recently replaced some of the plants (all fake), so this isn't a perfect representation, but you get the idea. Also I removed that stump in the middle as nobody would actually hang out much underneath it, and my clown loaches would dogpile inside and then never come out. As you can imagine, that was very frustrating as I was always worried somebody would croak, ammonia up the tank, and I'd never know (and yes, there was precedent). So I got rid of it and made a nice garden in that area. I'll update with more recent pics eventually.

Anyway, hope to have some nice discussions here.

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Wow, it looks great!
That's a big wall you've got it up against by the looks of the first pic---looks like an excellent spot for an even bigger tank...hehe. Welcome to the forum. :)

BV ;)


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2007
Somers, NY
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

S-kate said:
Nice, I like the varrying colors of the plants. How big is your iridescent shark? I've heard stories of them getting huge. Welcome to the tank!
They can grow a few feet in the wild. The below sentences show the difference from when I got him and how big he is now:

The feller started out around this size.

Now he's grown quite a bit, roughly around this larger size.

The lion's share of the fish I purchase I purchase as babies (not quite fry, but small!)- I like seeing how big I can grow 'em!

As for the tank colors- I kind of based it on the local colors here in Westchester NY- much of the landscaping and natural flora goes to varying shades of green and then striking maroons- I liked that combo, so most of the tank is leafy greens with flashes of maroons and reds breaking it up. Then of course, there are the various minerals (all non-porous) I've dropped around the tank from my rock-hound days back in North Carolina.

And as I promised, here are some updated photos of the tank as it is now:

and of course, a little closer look at some of the fishies!


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