Hello All!

Mar 24, 2009
Hello All,
My Name is Scot and I just found this forum and it seems like an awesome forum!
I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 Dwarf Puffer, 2 Tiger Barbs, 2 Red Neon Tetras (My puffer doesn't even touch them go figure...), 1 Female and 1 Male Guppy (the female just had like 15 or so baby's which i put in a breeder box.), 1 red molly, and 1 white mickey mouse. *BOUNCINGS

I get Pictures as soon as i can!

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Welcome to the tank! :)

But, as always, there's always a but, I wouldn't keep a DP with other fish. I have one too and heard to many stories about them attacking other fish. They are supposed to be in a species only tank (so only DPs or just one). They may seem friendly one day, but then turn around and kill everything off the next...

Mar 24, 2009
Well that wouldn't be cool... Plus i would hate to put him by himself he might get lonely... and well im actually a little worried about him right now anyways... he has a white spot of his top fin that i dont think is ick since that is usually smaller but i am not sure what it is... i cant remember if he came like that or not he has had it for like a month now... he seems to be ok but my friend was like.. dude whats with the spot... i didnt know what to say....:confused:


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
welcome to the tank cobra! If you got questions that need answers, toss your question in the beginners section and you will get responces. like KB said throw in some pics so everyone can better help you (they really love pics around here).