hello everybody

Nov 11, 2004
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HI ...

My name is whisper, and I joined this forum yesterday. Since then, in this 24 hours, I have learned so much on the care and keeping of my beautiful 5 betta's.

I am * :eek: *... going to be 41 next week, and my newest 2 babies were a birthday gift :D

My original 2 are a dark blue/purple and a speckled bluish one. my second is a white (pinkish) guy with a black beard when it flares. My newest two are the peacock colored one with no red on him what so ever, and my last but totally not least is a deep red, no orange or turquois on him. The odd thing about my red one is that on the end of his tailfin clear and then lines at the very tip with a fine black line it looks like it is outlined.

Thank you for a great forum!!!

warm regards.