Hello Everybody!


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
I just joined the forum (obviously), and can tell I'll love it here. Every time I search something on google this site pops up with useful information, so I thought I should join and reap the full benefits lol.

I am just starting up. I have a semi planted 12G tank (Java moss mixed with plastic plants) that is currently housing a 3" pumpkinseed sunfish and 3 1" minnows. I have a 20G tank waiting for them but I am moving in a month so I am waiting until then. I also have some hornwort (live) on its way to add to the mix.

I was originally going to breed guppies... but native species are equally if not more alluring... so I might just stick with that, so any tips and advice would be helpful- such as what I feed my sunfish, how to breed worms and anything else.

I will put pictures of my 20G tank up when I get 'er set up- I promise ;)