Hello Everyone

Mar 24, 2005
Hello everyone. I've been to several other sites and once I found this one, I just keep returning. I've read a lot of the great information already and look forward to hearing from everyone when I have questions.

I work in a middle school with troubled kids. Set up a 30g tank there as something to help with the kids. It's amazing, when they're off the wall some will choose to go over and watch the fish. It really helps. Tank set up there for a couple of years. Lost entire contents last year when rotten student poured dishwashing liquid in. I set up again this year and have tried out some livebearers. I have what appears to be a very pregnant Micky Mouse platy who refuses to give birth. I'm still debating as to whether she's pregnant or a hog. Any advise on how to tell would be welcome. She's looked like a hog for over a month now.

I am currently working on setting up a 5g hex for my daughter. She's looking forward to having some fish in her room. The tank is a reward for a job well done. Will begin cycling tonight.

Hope to hear from everyone soon. *SUNSMILE*


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome to the tank :)

Why dont you post your question about the fat molly in the livebearer section? I think some people would have some ideas for you and thoughts on the subject.

Sorry to hear about losing the tank...depending where tanks are there's always the possibility of some outside thing getting into the tank. We had a thread here awhile ago about kids and tanks. Talk about some stories :) Kids and tanks...or um people who have been partying a little too hard and tanks haha