Hello everyone!

Hi everyone. I found this site after discovering a baby red wagtail platy in my tank yesterday! I was a bit shocked but now I've gotten some new enthusiasm for my tank and my little aquatic friends.

I have a 42 gal tank with rocks, plants and a nice assorted family - 2 plecos, 2 black danios that have been with me since day one (3 years ago), 2 red wagtail (parents of new baby), 5 mickey mouse platies and 2 neon tetras. With the discovery of my new addition I'm planning to get either a small tank for future babies, or a trap to hang in the existing tank - not sure if the trap will work since my tank is a bowfront. I'll have to do some research to see how they work. Years ago, a childhood neighbor had one but if I remember right it hung from the front of the tank????

Looking forward to reading and posting in the future!