Hello everyone.....


Medium Fish
May 20, 2003
Denver, CO.
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Hello all,
I thought I would just jump in and say hello.
I have observed for awhile and all of the great information from this grand site has made setting up a fresh water tank mighty helpful.
For that, Thank you to you all.
I have had pond fish for sometime now and I am currently moving inside after getting my current tank.
Thanks again.


Medium Fish
May 20, 2003
Denver, CO.
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Currently I only have the 55 gallon FW tank inside.
I had my goldfish from the pond in that tank through last winter. I'm going to maintain the pond through the winter this year.(cover w/ the pump running). I have a few chums that leave thier pond stocked every year and as long as we don't get another storm like last year, everything should be just fine.
I'm slowly stocking my 55 gallon. I had moved my goldies outside and restarted it for tropical this past spring.
Any suggestions of fish for this tank would be excellent.
Now the pond.......
Mid-May I had put my 5 Goldies, 6 Shubunkins and my 2 Fancy Goldies out in the pond. A total of $15.00 of fish when I originally started the pond. Feeders and cool looking cheap fish.
They are quite large now.
Apparently a raccoon thought so also.
Two weeks ago Five of the fish..... shall we say were removed to to the patio.
The pond is now covered. I'm currently trying the Scarecrow Sprinkler around my garden and I'll set by the pond this weekend. So far it works really well. The local wildlife experts suggested it to me. Said they could catch a raccoon for a fee. The Scarecrow was quite a bit cheaper. Plus having fish is like ringing the dinner bell for wildlife. Build it they will come.
A better solution than trapping and relocating was in order.
I'll keep you posted on how this thing works.
A buddy of mine has a few tanks and owes me, so I'm thinking aboot taking the tanks. Fully ready, minus h2o and fish. I just need to find a place for them. egad!
Kinda adictive, this fish keeping thing.
I hope I have covered most any questions.
Let me know if you have any others.
Thank for the Welcoming party.


Medium Fish
May 20, 2003
Denver, CO.
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I hoped I could get the avatar to do a little "soft-shoe" number, but I couldn't find shoes that fit.

Hey Flex,
By inside, I meant outside.................A least I'm pretty sure thats what I meant. It's hard to say sometimes........ and by pond I meant bathtub......or something to that effect.


Medium Fish
May 20, 2003
Denver, CO.
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I have also added a few new tenants.
A couple of Bala Sharks and 3 more Rasboras.
The Gouramis are a little put out* by this I think.

*Note for Flex, By put out, I actually mean pissy or upset.

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