Hello from down under


Hi guys,

I guess you gathered I am from Australia, I live in the state of Victoria, a small town on the south coast.

Well I'm also pretty new at this, I have got a 200 ltr Freshwater tropical fish tank, I have had it for about 3 months.

I have got 4 angelfish (tiger, freddy, star and strips)

A sailfin pleco (lerch) I thing that is what its called

4 platies ( called the mahoney family)

2 guarimi's (called flick and bluey)

I figure I could have more fish in my tank, does anyone have any suggestions.

Nov 27, 2005
200 ltr is about 52 to 55 gallons I belive.

So I would agree you have room for more fish.
Based on your stocking, it seems you have some community and some semi-aggressive species. Which is ok.
I prefer community fishes. (not the biggest angelfish fan) hah.
So I can only recommend looking into what is compatible with angelfish.
Maybe someone else will come along with some suggestions.
I just wanted to wish you luck in whatever you decide and welcome to the tank.
Btw, does your angelfish attack the platy's or any other fish you have??

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