Hello from OZ

Hello from South Africa

Hello from me in Sunny South Africa!

I've heard that Oz and SA have alot in common! I'm also kind of new here!

So what fish do you have at the moment? Which are your favourites? I love all my fish but especially my loaches! I have Khuli Loaches and 2 yo-yo loaches! They are gorgeous!

Chat soon?

Hope to hear from you soon!


Medium Fish
Dec 22, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Yeah, in fact where im from (South Australia) is on the exact same lattitude as capetown (i think). so very similar weather etc.

Well i have the fish in my tag line down there. just got a few new today (1 barb, 1 fighter, 1 snail)
Id have to say my favourite is the catfish, but he is rarely seen in the open, so when he is its a real treat. But that said, all the fish have their moments.

chat soon eh... do you use msn messenger, if so email me or Private message me your address. always good to have a fishy chat :p

Thank heavens for that! Do you heat the water?

I had a bad experience with a dealer selling me Golden Rio Tetras along with Angels and not telling me that they are majorly aggressive and are fin-nibblers! Needless to say my beautiful angels got trashed!

I have 3 tanks at the moment, a three footer, a 2 footer and one that is slightly smaller than the 2 footer. And I have a goldfish pond outside as well as a 12 000 litre koi pond.

I have a rather large Red Tiger Oscar (Albert) in the 3 footer, he's way too big for it and I seriously need to get him a bigger tank.

I have 3 swords, 4 balloon mollies, 4 red-eyed tetras, 3 Black widow tetras, 2 white widow tetras (Big ones!), a glass ghost catfish, 2 neon tetras (getting more soon), 2 glowlights, 2 Blue platies, 3 pepper cories, 2 Khuli loaches (getting more) and 2 yo-yo loaches.

Then I have 2 huge pleco's and 6 goldfish in the gold fish pond and 46 koi of various sizes in the 12 000 litre koi pond.

Am I fish crazy? Naah! I am PET crazy! I virtually own a zoo!


Medium Fish
Dec 22, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
I dont have any heating on either tank. My tanks seen to sit at about 23oC, so if come winter and they get cold, then i will get some heating.

Yes it does seem that you are fish crazy.

now the fact that you said zoo..... what else do you have o_O

I have (apart from all the fish)

2x Cats - Miss Ming and Duchess
2x Canaries - a red factor called Fweep and a German Roler called Fwop.
2x Dachunds - Tiekie and Juffrou
1x Maltese Poodle - Pippin
1x Scottish Terrier cross - Mcdougal

And I want to get myself a corn snake sometime soon as well.
If I could afford horses I would get at least one again as well. Used to ride for my provincial team!

Are you a cricket guy or a rugby guy? Heard you guys did really well in the last cricket match you played!