Hello From Peru!

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say hi and let you all know that my trip in Peru is going amazing! If your interested in checking it out please visit my web page at http://spaces.msn.com/members/jcaton77/ there are lots of cool pics (click on the photo secton at the top for more) and stories from my travels.

My tank is doing well...or so I'm told! My dad is following the schedule I posted and all is well. Man I miss my tank...especially since I just set up the new 15 gl. Only 2 weeks more and I'm back home to my baby!

Sorry I didn't get to post any pics of the new set-up like I said I would, but I just didn't have the time; when I get back I promise they will be posted!

Hope all is well with everyone and I will talk to you all soon!


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Salty waters, those are some of the prettiest most amazing scenic photographs I have ever seen. I truly mean that too!! You must be having an amazing time! It is absolutely beautiful there! Is that you in the pics on top of the mountains? Well, whomever it is they look very happy!!! Have a wonderful time and be safe. Thank you for sharing those awesome pictures with us all! LOL, I bet your fish miss you as well!!! ;)

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
1979camaro said:
glad to have you back...i bet the growth you will notice in your tank is amazing. its always neat to leave things for a week or so (or a month) and see what changes

Ya a lot had changed in the tank since I left. My dad did a good job but I kinda should have left the skimmer running on the system...if I was gone another week or two algae would have taken over, but I was back just in time!

Here is a funny story... My dad was lookin at my tank one day and thought, "hmmm that stuff (my star polyp) doesn't look like it is supposed to be there, and I don't remember it" so he decided to REMOVE it with a toothbrush!!!! Ya, he scrubed all my star polyp's off the LR. When I got home and he told me this I laughed my *** off! Luckly it grows like a weed, so I didn't mined and it is making a comeback already!

Well I will post picks and updated tomorrow talk to ya all soon...Man this wine is good! Going clubin tonight later!