Hello from So. California


New Fish
Dec 2, 2007
So. California
I just wanted to say hi to all. I was looking for an online forum so I could get more knowledge. (This is why I find the internet freakin' awesome.)

So a little bit to introduce myself. I'm currently a college student, studying manuf. engineering at Cal Poly Pomona. As a child, I've always kept a few goldfish in a tank and I had one that lived for more than 10 years. And this was a feeder fish my sister had won at a fair.

I just moved off campus and my house was a little empty so I wanted a fish tank (easier to take care of than a dog). So I purchased a 20 gal setup from someone who was moving. It came with six red eye tetras, some java moss attached to a good sized piece of driftwood, and a good sized java fern and a few small ones. So far, I have purchased 4 corys (3 peppered, 1 bronze [I believe...getting 2 more to make it 3-3]) and a half dozen trap door snails are on their way. It came with a Whisper 20 power filter. For lighting, I have a 28 watt Coralife T-5 with a full spectrum bulb and 6700K bulb installed. For heating, I have a 150watt Hydor Theo set at 75 and holding nicely.

See you around!