Hello from South Florida!


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
I've made a few posts, but I suppose I should introduce myself :)
I'm 15 and just recently ditched raising turtles and took on fishes. (When my turtle ate my one Pleco that lived with him, I knew it was the last straw, but that's a long story)
I have an strange and incurable obsession with Plecos of every shape and kind. I only have two (and my Loach, if you want to count him as a 'Hong Kong Pleco') and am planning on getting a bigger tank so I can get more. I've also got my eye on a giant pleco at a pet store near me. I hope to get him when my family installs a pond in my yard.
Lastly, as of the 26th of August, I've added 13 baby mollies to my fish count, so I'll have lots of questions about them *BOUNCINGS
I really want to learn more about the fish world, so, hopefully this place can help me out ;)