Hello! hello HELLO

Aug 4, 2008
So far love the site. I'm getting back into fishes, last time I had tanks there was no internet! :p

Came across a tank my wife and I couldn't pass up for $50. Included 30g tank, stand, everything, including fish. We love it.

It wasn't until day #3 that we discovered a "tiger barb cat fish" It was not in the tank when we bought it, and hadn't seen it for 3 days. I get a call at work today stating, "There is a tiger barb catfish in the tank!" *laughingc*laughingc Turns out to be a clown Loach. Hiding in one of the rocks for 3 days apparently.

I'm still attempting to positively ID all the fish and should explain some of the interesting names. :D

Tank is operating as purchased, So far the fish count is 12, (barring any other hiding fish)

Angel Fish ~ 4"
Pleco ~6"
Red Tail Shark ~4"
Neon Tetra
(2) Tiger Barbs
Gourami (I think) ~1"
Guppy (I think)
Black fined Tetra
Blacked stripped Tetra
Red Beta

And the SURPRISE, you have a Clown Loach.

Stuff we'd like to do.

Live Plants. <-- Haven't attempted this before.
Add one or two fish. (although tank might be full. Our LFS does do exchanges.)

So far, learned alot. Thanks for the great site!!


Aug 4, 2008
Found the fish profile forum! Nice.


Angel Fish ~ 4"
Common Pleco ~8"
Red Tail Black Shark ~4"
(4) Neon Tetra (3 added 10/4/08)
(2) Tiger Barbs
Red Beta
Clown Loach ~3.5"
(2) African Frogs (added 10/4/08)
(5) Ramsnails (added 10/4/08)
Swordtail (removed 10/4/08)
Daino (removed 10/4/08)
Rosy Barb (removed 10/4/08)
Rasbora (removed 10/4/08)

30 Gallon Tank Tank dimensions: 30"x12.5"x18"
70 Aqua Clear Power Filter (Sponge, Biomedia, Pillow)
Tank Temp ~ 75

Coralife Colormax 30" T5 (18W)

Brought tank home 7/31/08 50% water change. Tank was well established. Previous owner hadn't had a fish die in over 6 months.

1 Anubias Live Plant (added 8/15/08)
Hornwort (added 10/1/08, Removed 10/4/08)



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Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Looks like a swordtail to me. :) A female.
I second that.

I am no expert but I am thinking the blue cray (lobster) will end up making a meal of some of your fish.

I'm not big on the stocking rules but if you follow the 1" of fish per gallon guideline you are over stocked..you will have to keep up on water changes and start looking for a 55g :)

Welcome to the tank

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Aug 4, 2008
30% water change and an anubias added successfully 8/15/08. Working on the pictures.

Turns out the LFS *treated* water is just RO water. The PH wasn't were I wanted it, but ole well.

The KH was 1. ONE. Need to look into that, thought it was good to have that in the middle some where for a buffer. I might be mixing 50/50 tap + RO water, and letting it sit overnight before next water change.

Aug 4, 2008
Live Plant!!

I'm pretty sure I don't have enough light. Right kind of substrate to keep a plant alive, but here we go!

Purchased one Anubias. 8/15/08 Was a trade in to the LFS (so alittle larger than the young ones.)

Stuck it in the gravel.

WaaaLaaaaa.. One plant hat for the pleco.

I removed the carbon filter media as I understand that soaks up the the good stuff for the plant.

The pic was taken shortly after being added (day or 2) My LFS does not have the greatest looking plants on earth.

Aug 4, 2008
Added some Fluorite Red 8/19/08

Thought I'd attempt to help out the plant with some good substrate. Ended up with about .5" of Fluorite Red under the gravel. After returning the cray, I had $5 bucks to spend in the store.. So I purchased $20 bag of substrate.. :rolleyes:

Only added ~ 2 cups and just where the plant was planted. Fluorite is essentially clay. Clay + water = cloudy water. For about 12 hours. Fun stuff.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
You're pretty heavily stocked! Looks nice though, Errr Tiger barbs should not be with angel fish (huge no-no) notorious finnippers + fish with fancy tails = raped angelfish o_0

Not sure what you plan to do with that, but the barbs are only 3.00 fish you can return them, or try to make them live together some how

Aug 4, 2008
Yea. Fish selection we were kinda stuck with. This is how the tank was stocked when we picked it up.

The AF is not being chased. The TB's don't chase the AF. The RT on the other hand, will chase everyone when he's being territorial. (besides the AF, and pleco, they are bigger)

No Nipped fins in the tank. (except from the crawfish insident!) But will keep an eye on it. Plently of chasing around by the RTBS though. (except he won't chase the pleco or AF.)

The PO claimed he hadn't had a death in 6+ months. These fish have been together for at least eight months.

We are however beginning to discuss tank population !! We wish to change it up. As you hinted at, we have a curious mix of fish. We currently are leaning on only keeping 2 of the schooling fish (and buy him school mates!) Probably keep the Neons and TB's. Mixed feeling on the TB's. As mentioned they are not nipping fish fins, and the clown loach will school with the TB's. (Fun to watch, our special clown loach! lol ) Hate to split them up and leave the CL solo. But if the TB's start nipping, the beatings begin. The pleco is too big for the tank and am considering alternatives.

We won't be ready to change it up for @ least two weeks.


Medium Fish
Sep 27, 2008
HEY SC LOACH! Gotta love them red tails =)

Love the tank, have to say your best bet for a happy society would be a 55g though.

and I can tell you the Cloach, Rtail, and Tbarbs should all get along toghether perfect in a tank.

Just remember that red tail and loach need things like plants, driftwood, and room to move around also I am fairly sure that Cloaches are social fish like my Kloaches and need about a group of 3 to be happy.

And from what I can see it looks like that pleco is a normal one, and is already getting too big for its tank, watch out cuz he will keep getting bigger.

Aug 4, 2008
I am pushing the boss to agree to trade in the pleco for a smaller one. Maybe a bristlenose. Or just a baby pleco and trade him out every ~ year or whenever he gets too big. This pleco definatly does not keep algae off the tank. (Algae everywhere.)

Heck, I'd be in favor for losing the pleco all together for a couple ottos.. (after watching them eat algae off plants @ the LFS and not damaging the plants... = GREAT! )

Aug 4, 2008
Some deaths.

Betta died. Looked like cataracts, became super lethargic.

Neon was eaten.

Misc Snails finally being eaten by the CL I assume.

Plants: Moss ball doing well. The anubuas is still growing like crazy. Got what appears to be a flower bulb. Sprouted out quickly, and still *wrapped* Looks nothing like the leaves that have grown off it. All the leafs are holy and kinda torn up.