Hello Hello


Small Fish
Aug 21, 2007
Hello everyone

Hi everyone im new, im excited to learn new things and meet new people, they seem very friendly here, and this is the Introduce yourself Place so ill just go ahead and do that =)

My name is Richard but call me Richy. my first tank was a 2 gal hex no longer have it though. I had it back when I was like 8. So now about 6 years later i started up a 10 gal, i fergot oh fun aqauriums can be! i got a 10 gal starter kit for goldfish, but i have 3 red wag swordtails 1 male and 2 females. the first night i brought home my pregnant female i wasnt expecting for her to give birth so quickly*celebrate so now i have about 30+ fry swimming around. Thankfuly i bought a breeding contraption for my no longer mollies, ive been through many fish in my aqaurium its been very frustrating but i think i got the whole thing down now and i kinda know what im doing ;) , but theres always more to learn out there, and i know it was a mistake but please dont yell at me for having a pleco in a 10 gal :eek: lol and im planning on getting another 2 gal hex becuase i think my parents threw away my old one a long time ago, for either a hospital tank or try to grow somthing in there, So thats besicly me and my aqauriums. instead of explaining all the things in my aqaurium just take a look =)

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