Hello I'm new to the bowl

Feb 15, 2005
Bucks County, PA
Hello everyone I have been browsing the board and really enjoying all the helpful suggestions people have provided.

I'm a freshwater fish/plant enthusiast and currently have a 20 gallon tanks with swordtails, zebra danios and pearl danios.

Barb said:
I LOVE that avatar, as I used to keep many a tiger, but not anymore.
I'm new here as well. Great looking board!
I love Bala's and Giant Danios. I have a 50 gallon tank: 4 Bala sharks, 4 Giant Danios, 1 Golden eared Cory, 1 Pleco (hypostomus)
Eheim Pro2 filter and a Vortex Diatom for occasional polishing.
See ya all around!
