Hello!! Im new!!


New Fish
Aug 24, 2009
Victoria in Australia
Hey guys,
I'm Kirsten from Australia! i have a 40L tank - i dont know the conversion to gallons sorry! it is a fresh/coldwater setup, I want to move my goldfish to the pond and turn the tank into a tropical tank then look into breeding. Im looking at getting a larger tank as well but that will be further down the track. Im moving my goldfish out because it's a little crowded and they are getting bullied by the rosy barbs!! Is it worth while breeding? as in is there enough money in it to at least cover the cost??

P.S. would the danios survive in a pond?? i'm still researching all the breeds i have - the pet shop sold me some platys and i then found out that they are tropical so im monitorign them closely and since put in a termometer - they seem fine so far!! *thumbsups


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
The conversion would mean you have roughly 10 gallons of tank. If this is the case, are all your fish in your signature in this one tank?

I personally don't know how much money is in breeding, but as long as you have a responsible way of rearing and managing the fry, I say go for it! A friend of mine was a breeder for a while and she had tons of fun with it.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
How cold does your pond get in your coldest season?

Some danios (mainly leopard and zebra) can survive down to 15 degrees, and require roughly the same water temperature as fancy goldfish. I'm not sure about giant or gold though.

Your tank is quite over-stocked so I'd move the goldfish ASAP, and I also think it'd be a good idea to go larger with your tank.

Breeding profits really depend on the species. Platies aren't likely to get you much in all honesty, I'm not even sure rosy barbs would. You'd need the facilities to get them to a decent selling size for maximum profit.


New Fish
Aug 24, 2009
Victoria in Australia
I got a 60L tank as well that i am cycling ATM and the goldfish have been moved out cause they were trying to eat my little guys - honestly they will anything they can fit in their mouths bloody pigs!! They have been out for a while now so the rest of the fish in my sig are in the 10g - i brought them as cold water fish, will they able to adjust to a heated tank?? i dont want to kill them by moving them. I want to breed mollies first i think because i really like them!! they are so cute and their colous really make a tank look good. I spoke to my LFS yesterday and they said they find it hard to get anything other thrn black mollies, so i think i will look at dalmation and sailfins, they said they would most likely look at taking them off my hands for store credit so i can get a bigger tank down the road and convert the 10g to a hospital/fry tank. You guys are so helpful by the way!! cheers!!