hello, Me and my fish are Reef Relics^^ Pleased to meet you.

Hey ^^ I'm pretty new here but I joined a year or so ago and lost the link X_X. So now I'm back after PlecoCollector gave it to me ( a close friend)

I guess in a way you could say I'm a forth generation guppy breeder, my Great grandfather breed guppies my grandfather breed guppies, my mother breed guppies and when my sister was 9 she started. Then for some reason in a house we lived in we couldint have fish. So we had to get rid of the possably 5 generations of guppies my mom collected with my sister and live 12 years without them. I only remember what we did when I was very little but the guppies where almost like Moziacs but a poor breed of it. Maybe some lepords? And a tuxedo was in the tank too.
Now we are in a new house that same sister bought, shes 20+ now. And I gave us a good shove by asking her if we could get em again. So by researching them again and getting the main foundation cemented in are minds. We are gathering are guppy speed and becoming Snakeskin breaders. My sister wants to get into breeding them and I wish to unlock some kind of wild ansestreal patters by just letting nature take it's hold with my unselected ( pick and choose) groups. With a beginning in site we are taking it slow though cause we dont want to end up doing the same mistake as before with the past generation when I was 5. Now that I'm 18 we should be abile to bite are lips and take only selected choises so we dont end up with poor classed guppies. And since I am a artist as well I'm also taking it to a higher pix by possably selling my guppy/betta/tetra artwork for profit to go right back into the Rescue and research section of my abilities. My sister is already a Rat breeder and I have 8 females 2 males, I also have a cat from when I was 11 and I will be having four ten gals by the end of the next new year. Hopefuly if money is good, maybe a 20 gal?

So to begin the intro, I have already obtained 11 guppies.2Reticulated Moziacs Pairs,a pair of Reticulated Snakskin males, a blue lepord Female, and four fry that came with the Mugwort that my aunt tina gave me ( she's a guppy breeder too) And it happened when she gave me the two breeding pairs of Reticulated Moziacs and they where using it for hiding. I whent to take it out a few days after I got the pairs so I could trim the dieing fans. And four swam out of it. One looks to be a Red ribbon fry ( it's body is orange-ish and the tail is getting a red hew)the others are still to young to notice what sex even!There possably smaller then this _.
Then about eight days laiter * Yesterday* I got some news from my sister of a fish professional store that had a new shipment of guppies. I got the best of the best out of it with Two Yellow/Albino Reticulated SnakeSkin Males and a BlueSea Female Lepord. She looks just about show worthly... Now if only I knew what happend to it's mate! But since I couldint find out I am waiting for word on some Cobra Purple males and maybe a Moziac female to take out the overload of Ribbon tails on my Reticulats.

Im also almost positive that the bigger of the two from my aunt tinas pair'. Are pregnant and on the way shortly with a big BIG black mark in it's belly. And my new female I got yesterday looks to be pregnant too. But the female my aunt tina gave me is large enough for possably 50+ and the new female is still young so it's possably her first brood. Maybe 15 25 fry. I know for sure that the reticulated Moziac female is not a first timer,my aunt tina said they where a pair. And that is that they breed before with eachother, so she is getting comfy and normaly you would keep them seprate to have their babies. But I'm not even SET for 79-100 fry! So I cant put her somewhere els with the new female and I cant put the males somewhere els. Being that I have 4 males and 3 females. I know this isint the last of em ether. So I'm going to let nature take its cource and the babies to survive will be the beginning of my breeding cause those small and fast enough to outrun hungery parents. Are DEFENETLY top fin for breeding. How there colors come out are of no differents as long as they can hold up with their natural instinks.

However I must keep in mind . My sister has other motives then I do. I'm having the best of the best nature has to give me ( colors are last in choices) to breed. What can protect themselfs and are the most successful when mating is my motives for the perfict back to nature Guppies. While my sister is breeding to only premote colors and large fins from what I can tell. We will and forever be Seperate breeders. But with us living in the same household you can possably expect us to trade back and forth with eachothers guppies. So in the end are guppies together will make the most beautiful Large finned Back to nature basic Prized guppies. Or the ReefRelics.

When people breed Guppies they only want color and half the time the natural instinks of a guppies meening is lost. I plan to bring it back and let nature do what it has to do to get what is needed. While taking and giving from and to my sister will most likly give colors of unexpected maturaty, I'm also going to be a Betta breeder when the time comes and I'm already a Betta/Tetra rescuer.

I also want to rescue any and every living creature. But I can only rescue what I can take care of. So this is what I have room for and what I have researched for care.And I will post weekly updates, if you can get to the city mall in Gary indiana for a Rescue mission, Prepair to meet me!

Guppies : avalible!
Swordtails : Not avalible for Rescuing * Reason* no tank to hold them..
Tetras : Avalible!
Bettas :Avalible!
Algie eaters : Not avalible *reason* research 40% compleat
Freshwater Frogs : Not avalible *reason* Research 20% compleat
hermit crabs : Not avalible * reason* Research incompleat.

So in a way =D that is my fishie motives and my introduction for the main part. In my personality and stuff though. I'm a artist and my drawings will be sold or traded for More fish and tanks, or each drawing for 50$ and under. Just like with the fish though. The size and amount will change the price. Thats just the average. If you plan on getting something like a drawing of all your fish or a big portrait of one of them. You can expect 4$ to every fish in a big picture* 50-300$) and for two portraits to one or two fish you will get $1.50 to each portrait. Below is possabl listings if you wish to trade too.

One Portrait of one to three fish...................one tetra or one Betta female.... Or $1.99
A medium portrait of more then three fish......one guppy pair or a two gallon tank .....Or $6.
A Large portrait of More then 9 fish.....................A Tetra Pair................or $10
A larger portrait of more then 15 fish.....................A *Healthy* betta male.....or $15
A Huge Poster of more then 18fish....................A 5-7Gal Aquarium trade....or $24.50
Two Large portraits of more then 3-6 fish ....A 12Gal or Fish meds or just $30.00

No trades on these
A huge portrait of one to three fish is $20.99 and $14.00 for second $7.99 for therd.
A medium of any frogs/snails with fish is $20.00 and $15.00 for a second
A large of any Oscars,Angel,goldfish is $35.67each
A small of salt water creatures is $9.99 and $5 for a second $1.50 for a therd
A medium of any salt water is $12.99 and $9.00 for a second
A large of many Salt waters is $24.99 and $14.99 for a second

Bigest trade
A Huge of Saltwater mix is $35.00 and $20 for the second
Or.... 20Gal with stand and starter set. Or a PHballance total control kit. ( Save 14$ in trade!)

Sales will be at the end of every month!

Last month sales still going on is :
Two small Portaits of one to three sea creatures* any kind* Get the second one 75 % off and therd Free with bonus medium of your best fish! Price of the first is only $2.50 compaired to $5.99!

Betta drawings half off no matter what the size!
Large seahorse drawing for $20.50 and get a second saltwater drawing for half off.

Trading sale: Really need some Halfmoon Bettas and 6 gal aquariums!! willing to trade anything but saltwater drawings for your pick of 5-10 gal and/or two healthy halfmoon pair of Bettas!

I'm hopeing to meet other people here with lots of fishie stories *SUPERSMIL I love what I'm seeing so far!, and you all look to be really friendly.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Hey Relic, welcome to the tank!!! :D Sounds like you have been waiting to come back for a long time! Glad you are here and I am sure you will find some great info on here. Lots of good people that know what they are talking about!!

Thanks for the welcome ^^; yeah I've been waiting almoist a year to find the site again, in a way thats good though. Last time I was here I didint know didly about Betta Tetra And Guppy care, now other then the guppy care. I know 100% of infections,health,cleaning,tricks and all sorts of stuff for betta. And the main staple of what you do if your tetra shows signs of stuff.

One thing I really am growing to hate in my bettas...... FIN ROT,Bodily parasites,velvet,ick,depression and DROPSY :( And for tetras I know how to get rid of Ick and parasites. Just dont have any for my skills yet o_o... * just saw some Neon Tetras *_*>love<.

I was just trying to sign in and it took awhile to get in cause my cookies where not saving. But I did see people are having trouble with a wilting betta? * goes to find the subject*

Thanks so much though for your welcomes. I hope to see you guys more oiften and maybe become a good member for the community here =3? First off though is finding Plecocollector :confused: