Hello there...


Large Fish
Dec 7, 2006
Lancaster, S.C.
I've been a lurker around these parts for several months now and finally decided to set up an account. I've learned quite a bit being a beginner from reading lots of your posts and look forward to learning more as time goes on.

I've uploaded some pics of my little 10G Hex that was setup mainly for our 1+ year old Betta to have a little more room and better quality of life. Sadly I have no more room at the moment for anything bigger (even though I'd love to) but the small tank seems to be a work in progress most of the time anyway.
With this being a fairly new hobby most of the tank is from one of the starter kits but I'm upgrading bits and pieces as needed. Looks like lighting is next on the list as I only have a 12watt florescent in there now.

Onyx Sand

1 VT betta
3 Neon tetras
3 Zebra Danios
3 Ghost/glass shrimp w/2 babies that have survived through a molting process

Can't even remember what most of them are... Wysteria in the back for sure.


So for those that have read this far... I'm itching to add a few more tetras to the tank. Overstock? If not is there a type that would tend to school with the tetras that are already in the tank?

See ya 'round


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Welcome :) You did a really nice job aquascaping your tank, hex tanks are hard to aquascape. I agree with the others, maybe a few more neons would be all. Maybe trade in the danios for 3 more neons, and get 3 cory cats for the bottom. Neons are more active when they are in bigger groups, so aim for about 6 of them.


Large Fish
Dec 7, 2006
Lancaster, S.C.
Thanks for the welcomes and advice all.

MO: Thanks for the kudos on the aquascaping. Although with such a small space to work with there were not many options to make myself crazy about it.

I ended up snagging a couple of Harlequin Rasboras instead of the neons. I figure they might work out ok since the zebras are fairly inactive during the day (until feeding time) and tend to come out more at night when the lunar light kicks in. Most of the time the neons tend to school around at the bottom open areas of the tank. Lets hope it works out.

I'm planning on completely removing everything from the tank this afternoon and re-propagating most of the plants since they've grown up so much that the smaller stuff is hurting for light. The wisteria just grows like wildfire and takes over everything.