Hello to all :)


Small Fish
Nov 2, 2006
Hi guys,

I am new to the forum and also new to the whole aquarium/fish business. Recently I bought a 55 gal. tank along with a canister filter, gravels, pumps, and decors. After i set everything up i filled the tank with water and i was very happy with the way my first aquarium look. I went out and, without doing any kind of research, bought small 4 kois and 10 gouppies because i thought they look cool. After i put the fish in the tank my aquarium become alive and everything is perfect untill strange things started to appear...

A day after i bought the fish the water start get cloudy and i got worry so i decided to ask around and do some research, which i should have done before i bought the fish. It turns out this is call a "cycle" that every new tank must go through. I was at ease after finding out that it is normal so i sit back and wait. Two days after i bought the fish the gouppies are fine but the kois started to look sick, their tails and fins are beggining to rot away. Now i got worry again so i went to petsmart and ask them if there is a medication for tail and fin rot. They gave me T.C Tetracycline, an anti-bacterial fish medication. According to the medicine's direction i have to remove the activate carbon from the canister filter or it wont work so i did just that. Four doses is required for a full course treatment and i am halfway there but now my water is toxic green, still cloudy, and the fish dont look like they are improving...

My question now is, should i continue with the treament? or take the kois out and restart the whole cycle all over by adding new water and activate carbon? I also forgot to mention that the medication require me to change 25% of the water twice during the full course of the treatment.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
If you add th carbon back in it will remove the meds. The Kois will get too big for your tank, I would return them. The guppys should make it if the meds dont kill them. Read up on the Ammoina Cycle on this fourm it will help you a lot. I would invest in a test kit so you can post the actual numbers so we can help you with anything else you need.

Oh Yea, Welcome to the tank.



Small Fish
Nov 2, 2006
Thank you for your warm welcome Maha,

You are right about the kois but they look so cool lol. Anyway, I will probably take your advice and return the kois though because i dont think the med is helping. Can you recomend any fish that i should put in my aquarium once the cycle is complete? anything that have a long life expectancy.