

MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Hi everyone, I'm not a newbie anymore but I didn't ever see this area and thought it was about time I introduced myself. You can see some of my fish in my sig, and I am getting a 55 gallon for Christmas and will be converting the 29 gallon to brackish so my figure 8 puffer will have a true brackish home.
Things I have recently learned (both from experience and from all you wonderful, knowledgeable people)
1. Figure 8 puffers really need brackish water, not freshwater like PETCO says.
1 1/2. (Dont buy anything else from PETCO...this is just my opionion but I think I will stick to my nice little LFS where they give me great advise and KNOW what they are talking about.)
2. Fresh mussels can give your fish parasites/bacterial problems. :)-( learned this the hard way)
3. Red Tail Black Sharks require a bigger tank than 29 gallon...thank god I'm getting a 55 soon)
4. Corydora Cats DO NOT live in any amount of Salt in their water.
5. That this is a GREAT forum!
My name is Kelly (female) and I'm glad to "meet" you all!


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
hi and thanks Dave (male) just thought in my previous post it would be helpful to clarify as my name is used for both male and female names (not that it makes a difference) but thanks for reading:)


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
hi everyone, how do I paste a picture in here? I have a great one of my F8 puffer and my red tail black shark, but when I "copy" it, it doesnt let me "paste" ?


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
oh, well. If you check out my link in my signature you can see my RTS and my puffer. My RTS is about 2 inches long, he is about 1 1/2 years old, and he will be SOOOO happy in his new larger tank I'm sure! I can't wait to see if he gets bigger.