

New Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Hello everyone,
My name is Lee Ann and I live in Barrie, ON. I have a 55 Gallon tank with 2 bala sharks, 3 ruby sharks, 2 golden zebra loaches, 2 clown loaches, 2 mollys, 3 platys and 2 aftrican dwarf frogs (Bert and Ernie). All of the fish are still pretty small. I will try to get some pictures of the tank posted up soon. We have lava rocks piled on both sides and a big open white ruins in the centre and lots of fake plants all over. We had a bunch more platys as that is what we started the tank with, but we gave them away... man can those things ever pop out lots of babies!!! I feed the fish once a day, I hope this is right and I clean the tank once a month. The filter is one of those canister ones that you only have to change once every three months, so that is handy. I have had the tank for about three months now.