Hello !!!


Small Fish
Nov 23, 2005
Penang, Malaysia
Hi everybody... I 'm from Malaysia and love fishes *BOUNCINGS Currently got 2 knifefishes, a fly river water turtle, a long snout gar. And a few numbers of lionhead, Japanese ryukin.

Sep 20, 2005
Hobart Tasmania Australia
Welcome aboard, Malaysia, it would be nice not to have to worry about heating in the aquarium,

Have you heard of weird tadpoles that cling to the rocks in waterfals and fast flowing streams with big suckers on ther bellys. My mate was doing research in indo and brought back some preserved specimens just wondering if you have them in malaysia.

*SUNSMILE* banana


Small Fish
Nov 23, 2005
Penang, Malaysia
Hi everybody I feel so welcome :D

allybanana said:
Welcome aboard, Malaysia, it would be nice not to have to worry about heating in the aquarium,

Have you heard of weird tadpoles that cling to the rocks in waterfals and fast flowing streams with big suckers on ther bellys. My mate was doing research in indo and brought back some preserved specimens just wondering if you have them in malaysia.

*SUNSMILE* banana
Hi ya there... I think I remember playing with one of those years ago in the waterfall. Yes we have them here but they aren't for sale. It's free you just need to get yourself wet *BOUNCINGS

phOOey said:
welcome to MFT! wow, you must have a pretty big tank to keep all those fish :eek:
I keep the lion head and ryukins away from the knifefishes and the long snout gar. I've got two aquariums *BOUNCINGS