

Small Fish
Apr 23, 2006
Hi I just started a 10g about a month ago, cycling with fish. I did'nt know about cycling until I had already started the tank :confused: . I have to tell everyone how wonderfully helpful this site has been!

Anyway, I got hooked immediatly (any suprise?) :) so I bought a 40 gallon. I was having trouble with the 10g and ammonia ( I do about a 20% water change every to every other day) so I was leary about doing a fish in cycle with the 40, but being impatient, ya ya I know what your thinking*twirlysmi But I wanted to, so I called around to the LFS and finally found one that carried Bio-Spira. I made sure that they kept it refrigerated. I had to get the one for 90g tank becouse the next size down is for 30g.

It has been a week and no ammonia problems and everything seems great -knock on wood . I know that the larger tank is supposed to be easier to maintain. But I'm hoping the Bio-Spira did the trick.

oh and I put a squirt of it in the 10g and it seems to have helped with that too.

Thanks to everyone for all the great advice!

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