

Small Fish
Jun 2, 2004
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Hello! A few years ago, I was an avid lurker and sometimes poster on MFT. Unfortunately, all of the fish in my tank died after a move, and I just didn't have it in me to start over again. I retired the tank about a year ago, and I've moved again & plan on staying put for the next several years.

I'm just getting my tank put together again. It's about 45 gal, and so far, it contains 50 lb of flourite, a ton of water, and not much else. I'm planning on starting the fishless cycle tomorrow. I have to buy a nitrate test kit before I get started, and I forgot to pick one up when I was at my lfs today.

I'm trying to decide what to stock my tank with. I want it to be heavily planted, but I need to invest in some new lights for that to work. I was thinking that I wanted only goldfish in the tank, but today I'm leaning more towards a community tank - with some mollies, tetras, ghost shrimp and cories.

Anyway, hello!