

Small Fish
Jan 30, 2008
hi my name is chad
I've been wanting a fish tank for the last few years and finally for my birthday/anniversary in July my wife got me a 29 gal and bought the fish in the store she liked best a pearl koi angel which i have to say is beautiful.
Now we have a tank full.
1 pearl koi angel
4 bala (3 small, 1 bigger)
1 rainbow
1 red honey dwarf gourami
1 dwarf gourami
2 blue dwarf gourami
3 painted tetra (1 blue, 2 pink)
1 clown loach
7 hf black tetra
3 brilliant rasbora
1 chinese algae eater
2 blue ram
1 purple tetra
1 blue flame tetra
1 congo tetra
i know most of you will say that its over crowded but we just got my daughter a 20 gal and are going to move some of the fish over to that tank

im going to post some pics on here later from my wifes camera of the tank later

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First of all WELCOME! but did you cycle that tank or did you just throw the fish in some water? MissFishy (a forum member) is bound to find you and give you a lecture about cycling (no offense MissFishy :) ) If you haven't cycled yet, find a post by her and click on the link in her signature. That should clear things up. Also, did you do some research on which fish go together and how big they get? Half the stuff you mentioned I don't even know so I can't help you, BUT I do have to say that tetras like to be in schools. I have four black neon tetras. Anyway, don't want to make you feel bad right when you get here. Sorry if I did. Welcome to the tank and hope you'll find lots of info here!!! :D


Small Fish
Jan 30, 2008
no you did not offend me if i hadn't wanted help i wouldn't have joined
yes i did cycle when we got our tank but i did the bio spira cycle and just sent missfishy info on that so that she can update that on her site and i'm actually finishing up that cycle on the 20 gal here in a few hours when i decide to move the fish
i got a lot of help from my lfs in setting the up i refuse to by fish from "DeathCo" just because they are somewhat cheaper had 12 neon tetras to die within a weak of getting them and i had my water check twice within this time so im pretty sure its not my fault
with my first fish being a decently expensive one the owner didnt want us messing up and quiting because we killed a $40+ fish in our first little bit


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
I've been wanting a fish tank for the last few years and finally for my birthday/anniversary in July my wife got me a 29 gal
I'm sorry to hear that. The same thing happened to me; I wanted a tank for years and then my wife bought me a 29g. Now I have six tanks and spend way too much money on them. I don't believe that there is a support group should you get addicted, but we're here for you, man. Oh well, you might has well be happy, huh?

You might eventually have problems with the balas....going to get too big for either tank. Those gourmies tend to get aggressive, too.

The clown loach will get too big for either tank, also.

Welcome to the tank!


Small Fish
Jan 30, 2008
I'm sorry to hear that. The same thing happened to me; I wanted a tank for years and then my wife bought me a 29g. Now I have six tanks and spend way too much money on them. I don't believe that there is a support group should you get addicted, but we're here for you, man. Oh well, you might has well be happy, huh?

You might eventually have problems with the balas....going to get too big for either tank. Those gourmies tend to get aggressive, too.

The clown loach will get too big for either tank, also.

Welcome to the tank!
thats funny that we started off the same way with the wife buy us 29g tanks
and we are already addicted "we being" all three of us including my 2 year old
we have had one gourami for a while and had no prob
im hoping to get another tank in the next few months for my sharks and the loach i think they will look good in a tank together