

Small Fish
Feb 1, 2008
My name is Chris and I live just south of Atlanta Ga. I am not completely new to the aquarium experience, but it has been awhile and am wanting to research before I start all over from scratch again. I'm actually interested in making my own tank; I'm kinda a DIY kinda guy :)

First off, and this will probably be long, about 3 yrs ago I got out of the hobby. At the time I had a 55g fresh, 29g salt, 10g salt and totally off topic: 40ish g bearded dragons, 29g geckos/tree frogs, 40ish g red eared sliders/fire bellied toads/fire bellied salamander/fish and two rottweilers. All of this in a single wide mobile home.

Trying to make a long story short: I had been setting up my 29g salt water tank for about 6-8 months and had just finished cutting out the egg crate (having problems overheating w/ glass top on) and getting everything situated when I turned in my desk chair and bumped the tank. I suddenly felt my lower back getting wet, and knowing the source, was scared to turn around. I knocked a pencil size hole in the front of the tank. I was able to save everything (snails, crabs, clown, eel, tang, chromis and various corals) and pretty much gave it and 35-40 pounds of live rock away to save it. Feeling very discouraged, I sold or gave every thing that I had away, except the dogs, which were stolen off the back porch several days later.

Now the salt water bug has bitten me again and I am wanting to get or make about a 29-40g reef tank. But, I promise to stop there and not use up every square inch of unused space in the house.