
Dec 25, 2007
well i dont remember if i did this but here it goes
i started in the salt water tanks about 5 months ago
i have
55 gallon fish tank
two 24" lights
1- aqua clear 300
1/ aqua clear 10-20
one 200w heater
25lbs of live sand
25lbs of crushed coral
12lbs of live rock with different algea and growth on it
including yellow sponge
some live plants
turbo snails
blue soccer crab
chocolate chip starfish
1 purple condy
1 purple tip condy
1 pink/brown condy
1 small purple tip condy
2 percula clowns
1 tomato clown
1 valentini puffer
so far all is going good but will add more fish soon
i want some more color swimming around lol
thanks for reading