help 4 fishes lost in a week

May 13, 2007

Im hoping you can help me, we set up a second tank late last year which is 14 x 16 x 18, its primary function was to house some hoplo babies, we successfully got through the amonia, nitrite, nitrate cycle, with 5 neons then added the 3 baby hoplo's without any dramas, we then added 2 tiny clown loaches and about a month after one had died. so we left things alone to settle back down although levels were fine. Anyway a month ago i added a small sucker (otocinclus, thats what the shop called him) and hes been great, we then added two clown loaches (tiny) last weekend and lost one with in a few hours, then yesterday we lost the other one, now today we found the sucker and one of the neons dead.

I've double checked the levels and everything is fine, we did have a lot of plants and wondered if there was perhaps to many so have promptly removed half of them. if anyone has an idea or can give me advice on how to stop losing more fish i would be really grateful, my partners quite new to the joys of fishkeeping, and taking every loss rather hard.

Sorry for the essay, please let me know if i've missed anything vital that could help isolate the cause.



I'm pretty sure the plants aren't to blame. The more plants the better as the help keep you parameters down. Did you get all the loaches from the same store? They might have a bad stock. Also, clown loaches grow way too big for your tank size. Otos normally aren't very hardy; I'm not surprised it died. Same goes with neons.

What is your water change routine like? Could you have a bad test kit?

May 13, 2007
The clown loaches came from two different shops, so cant think its that, also they were never intended to stay there, when they were big enough they were going to move up to my 36" tank with my larger fish. I only set up the small tank as my other fish would have eaten the babies!!
I don't think i've got a bad test kit as i've been using the two different brands, both read clear. Am stumped, but thanks for replying so quickly


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Some things to check:
Make sure you are doing regular water changes, especially if you plan to keep fry, they will benefit greatly from water changes.
Check to see if your PH from the tap or in the tank has suddenly taken a dip or turn. Ask if you don't know how to do this.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Did you check for your GH/KH? Clown loaches do not have scales so they are easily effected to poor water conditions.

I agree with Pure, Slow/Better water changes are always good for fry or any fish for that matter. Keep it consistent and you will be successful! Also, patience!


** Pure, I added you on my myspace account, its Mildred, i know funny name, long inside joke. **