Help adding barbs

Sep 6, 2009
K. I have a 29 gal tall, it has a kribensis, a mickey mouse platy, and a green tiger barb. Wanted to add a schol of green barbs but when I got to my LFS..which I love..they get my all of you that use WALMART AND PETCO please stop..your ma and pa LFS needs the business more..and chances are they will be much more helpful w/ better quaility fish. K enough LFS only had one green barb, so I got him and 2 other tiger barbs. Now Ive read I should not keep tiger barbs w/ green barbs...comments? I do plan on getting 4 more greens on Sat..they are arriving today and possibly adding more tiger's since I know they like to schol but now I'm not sure they will all get along. I'm thinking since the tigers are more aggresive I wont add any more..just the greens. Thanks for the input.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Green barbs are just a colour morph of tiger barbs, they're absolutely fine together, in fact I think unwritten law on the forum keeps, or has kept, them together. They're both equally bad for fin-nipping fish with long fins, but looking at your stocking you should be fine, so you could buy more green barbs AND tiger barbs if you like.

Sep 6, 2009
Thanks..that is what i thought when I left the fish store...but when i checked aqadvisor it told me not compatable//but this puts them togther.. I think I will get 3 more green and 2 more tiger because they do schol w/ their own kind but they chase each other...depends,seems like the tigers chase the greens but seen the greens go after the tigers as fish to watch in a tall tank and they are fast enough to get away from the kribensis