help! - adding new goldie

May 25, 2005
Thanks for yalls imput about the bubbles, it turned out to just be the filter, not my goldie at all!

I'm getting another fish to go with her tomorrow, how should i go about this? I want to make sure it doesn't get her sick or fight with her. How do i make sure this doesn't happen? Or...what if they have babies?is that likely to happen? i don't know if mine is actually a girl, and i'm not sure how to tell.....

help! i want happy friendly goldfish!

glad to hear your problem is fixed! i figured it had to do with filtration! i dont think you have to worry about gold fish not getting along... i think they are the most kindest most friendly fish ever.. i never saw goldfish pick on each other before, im sure whatever goldfish you pic out, they will be buddies! i dont think you will have a problem with breeding... i never heard of anyone i know having there goldfish have babies... i have a pond, and i never had them breed, i also have a two in my room and they are just buddies, not lovers....(i think..)

May 25, 2005

thanks! so, i just plop her in the tank like i did with the first? i'll let her bag sit in the water for a while so it'll be the same temp, and then open it up...i hope they get along! what about diseases...are there usually problems with new illnesses getting brought to the tank? i'm going to try my best to pick out the healthiest one, and our pet store is personally owned, so they're really good with the animals, not like walmart or petco.

i hope it goes well! thanks again!


Medium Fish
Sep 16, 2004
Ontario, Canada
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Anytime I add a new fish, I change up the tank decorations and do a good cleaning first (gravel vacuuming). By changing things around, the existing fish are not so territorial. Goldfish though, are really calm, laid-back fish. I LOVE my goldfish. They may be a pretty common, everyday fish, but they learn to recognize you and actually seem to LIKE you. Mine love to play with my hands when I do tank maintenance - so do my loaches. Goldfish also like to have a buddy. When my bigger red cap was seperated from the smaller one (bought the 44 and moved the bigger fish in to it) - both of them acted depressed! They were laying around on the bottom of their tanks - as soon as I moved Ruby into the 44 with Bubbles, they were both fine again! So, it's great that your fish will have a companion.


Large Fish
Aug 18, 2003
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Have you gotten the new guy yet?

If not, do some research on acclimating procedures before you just drop the new fish in the tank. Matching the correct temp. is only part of it... you need to slowly adjust the water params from the new fish's current water to the new tank water. There are many ways of doing this. You can simply add a small amount of tank water every 5 mins or so to the water in the bag with the fishy. I usually do acclimate for about an 30-60mins before putting the fish into this his new home or quarantine.