
Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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My Black Angelfish, the one that had the fungus infection, has some sort of bubble thing coming ut of his waste hole. It is white with a little reddish color. It actually looks like two bubbles and his stomach is distended on one side. It doesn't look like its painful to him and his fungus on his fins are gone but he looks really gross with this thing hanging out. It looks sort of like intestines but I don't think it is that. It just looks similar to that. What is wrong with him? I had added fungus remover in the water two days ago because he had it on his fins and the other fish had some too. That seems to be gone. this Angelfish has not been eating for the past two or three days and we had changed the food we were using about two weeks ago and they seemed to love it but I am wondering what the heck is going on.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
cooked, shelled peas are good

like everyone else i have no idea what is wrong with your fish...if you do decide that it needs to be euthanized there are more humane ways of doing it than flushing...a fish can live for days after being flushed

if the fish is still eating/acting somewhat normally i would put some melifix & salt in the water to help prevent/cure infection of whatever that thing is hanging on him and give him some peas(constipation) soaked with garlic (for internal parasites)...and just see how he does

good luck



Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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The angelfish is still alive

but the thingy now reminds me of what chewing gum looks like when you blow a bubble. It looks like two bubbles melded together and inside it looks like feces. On the bottom of the bubble is white stuff. The stomach is distended now and mishapen. I am obsessed with finding out what this is now. I get so attached to these fish I don't want to lose it.

Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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I agree with going to your LFS and asking if they know what it is. Alternativly go to and ask them - I know it is a discus forum but they are happy to help with problems like yours with other fish, they will not refuse to help just because it isnt a discus. whatever you do do it fast as it is a very severe problem that needs to be sorted!


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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I went to another fish store

and the guy there said it was either impacted eggs or impacted sperm. He was more leaning towards it being sperm. he told me to try to release it. I tried to but it did not come out easy so I left it. some of it came out but more would just come out of the fish again so he probably is pretty impacted. The guy at the fish store said he had seen it before but not as bad as this fish :rolleyes: Of course I have to have the only fish that is this bad. At least he said the fish looked otherwise like it had no parasites or fungus. That cleared up but then this happened. He also said there was a really good chance the fish would die or explode. I feel bad for him but I have done all I can now.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Thats terible, could you some how get the fish and pull out the sperm/eggs? Would it do any good? I know that seems cruel but it may be worth a try, it really sucks for the fish, and you. I really hope the angel is okay.


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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I have to tell you, I felt like a fish doctor

When I was trying to get the eggs out. The guy at the fish store told me to put the fish in a wet paper towel and lay it on its side and then take tweezers and try and get the whatever it was out. I ended up putting water in a big baggy and putting the angel in a net. then I layed the baggy on a cookie sheet so that the water was shallow enough to uncover the fish and I made sure I kept the fish in enough water to just cover it. I had to have two other people help me do this. It seemed to work better than just putting the fish in a paper towel as the fish could still breath. Then I carefully moved the long fins and tried to remove it very gently with the tweezers. Some came out like I said but not enough to correct the problem and I didn't want to hurt the fish. He is still swimming around today and the protrusion is smaller but still there and his stomach is still distended. Like I said, I am just going to watch him now and see what happens. He has not eaten as far as I can see for a couple days now. I am surprised he is still alive. Also, my at home surgery did not seem to bother him at all and he let me do it and afterward he was swimming around like nothing happened. Poor thing. I feel so bad I can't help him.


Large Fish
Nov 27, 2002
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The guy at the fish store said

if the fish is infected with a parasite, he would look emaciated and really sickly. My fish otherwise looks good. That is why it is bothering me so much. He said he would have other symptoms and my other fish would be sick also but so far they are not. It seems to be only the angelfish that is sick.