Hey everybody. I have a 2-2.5 inch gold ram male (I think) that isn't doing all that great. He pretty much spends his time sitting on the bottom with his tail all folded up. His colors have gone ultra dark but the wierd thing is that the red on his fins is still really bright... brighter than usual. He has been like this for 2-3 days.
Background: I had him in my 60 gallon that I've been treating for the ich (half treatments) that came in on a few fish I bought a couple weeks ago. It isn't too bad and only the new fish have it. The ram does not. Since he was hanging out on the bottom more than usual and didn't look all that great I decided the meds might be stressing him out so I moved him to my newly replanted 10 gallon that has REALLY clean water. Since then, he has shown no improvement.
All my tanks are heavily planted and have nitrates lower than 5ppm and the 10 gallon has none. Can any of you cichlid guys (or anyone else for that matter) give me a hand on this one? Sorry about the long post. Thanks for the help.
Background: I had him in my 60 gallon that I've been treating for the ich (half treatments) that came in on a few fish I bought a couple weeks ago. It isn't too bad and only the new fish have it. The ram does not. Since he was hanging out on the bottom more than usual and didn't look all that great I decided the meds might be stressing him out so I moved him to my newly replanted 10 gallon that has REALLY clean water. Since then, he has shown no improvement.
All my tanks are heavily planted and have nitrates lower than 5ppm and the 10 gallon has none. Can any of you cichlid guys (or anyone else for that matter) give me a hand on this one? Sorry about the long post. Thanks for the help.