Help! Cloudy water :(


New Fish
Oct 7, 2009
Ok this morning i noticed one of my africans was covered in ick. I did some reasearch on how to treat it and here is what i did.

Bought a powerhead.
Added salt.
Got ick dissolving tablets.
Increased water temp.

It was going good for a while, then the water got extremely cloudy.

The fish covered in ick died.

i did a 40 % water change and put another ick tablet in.

water seemed to be clear, and now about 2 hours later water is so cloudy you cant see the back of the tank.

List of all things added to water:
water conditioner
Easy Balance
Ph to 8.2 powder
2 tablespoons of salt per gallon
ick dissolving tablets as recommended

it is a 30 gallon tank
contain 6 one inch african cichlids and a small pleco
temp is currently at 80 degress

substrate/ decorations list:
Fake plants
natural aquarium gravel
cement like rock kind of like lace rock
some limestone rock
and some round rock that i was told was fine for aquariums, its a very hard rock

thanks in advance and please help!!

Oct 7, 2009
Sounds like a bacteria boom and it more than likely happened because you turned the heat up. When you have a sick fish its best to take it out and treat the fish in a different tank. If it is a bacteria boom IMO you should start doing no more than 25% water change every day until it clears up. You should test the water for Nitrate, Nitrite and ammonia see what you have.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Yes, test the water.

A bacterial bloom is a good thing. Just ride it out, it will clear up on its own.

I'm not convinced the ph powder is a good thing. You want your ph to remain stable, as swings can sicken your fish. The calcium-containing rocks are good. If you need your ph even higher you can add some crushed coral to your filter media chamber.