help diagnosing sick severum


New Fish
Aug 2, 2003
Fort Worth, Texas
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I have a large severum about 5 years old. I made the terrible mistake of given him some feeder fish and putting a couple of snales in his tank. 4 days ago I noticed he had light colored squiggly lines running along his back. They progresses to pale, indentions that run along his back and over his head. They are about 1/8 in. wide. They don't look open or fuzzy. They almost look like indented scars. I started treating him with melafix 3 days ago and Ick Away 2 days ago. He look somewhat better with the ones on his sides less prominent. But when looking down on him still can be seen especially on is head. I went to pet store this morning to ask for help. Clerk there said he had lateral line disease and told me to give him hex-a-mit. Now reading about this it really do not sound like what he has. Any help would be appreciated!