Help! Diatoms

Nov 11, 2011
Howdy. I am a newbie to this forum but not completely to aquariums. Here is what I have: a 10 gallon black water aquarium with 2 cardinal tetras and 2 glow light tetras as well as Admiral Ackbar, my ghost shrimp. This tank has been set up for a year. I do 30-40% water changes every 2 weeks and change filter once a month. I use a black water additive and bio-boost for my bio-wheel filter every water change. In the past few months I have had crazy amounts of brown hairy Diatoms growing. What can I do to get this under control?

Feb 27, 2009
Howdy. I am a newbie to this forum but not completely to aquariums.
Welcome Elysapeth!

Diatoms (as any algae) are the result of an imbalance in light, CO2 and other nutrients.

What are your readings of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate right before your last water change, and again right before the next one?

What type of light and how many watts do you have over the 10 gallon tank? Do you use a timer to have the lights on a consistant schedule?