HELP EMERGENCY - My Loach Jumped out of Tank


Small Fish
Feb 24, 2008
I am in a complete panic here. My 3" long weather loach somehow managed to jump out of his tank last night after I went to sleep. I found him on the floor behind the bookshelf that the tank is on. He was still a live but barely and covered in cat hair. I put him back in the tank and he is struggling. He is floating upside down sometimes but then swimming around the tank quickly. I had to handle him in the tank to remove all the cat hair. He keeps moving around and then stopping and looking like he is dead. Anyone have any ideas of what to do? He is in the tank with two goldfish that do not seem to care either way about him. PLEASE HELP ME OUT HERE. I love this little guy and do not want to lose him.

Also he will not eat and his barbells look messed up. They are not moving as usual.

I just added some stress coat to the tank. He is now just laying on the bottom and not moving but he is alive. How often should I add more stress coat?

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Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
I also don't know what you can do for him that you haven't already done. He must have jumped not long before you found him; most fish don't survive that.

Have you added any Stress Coat to the water or anything that would help replace his slime coating? I don't know if that'll help him survive the initial trauma, but it might help ease his recovery.