Help! Females beating up Male!!!

Jan 3, 2006

I have had a male (i'm assuming) blue gourami for several years now... he has been alone, and so i recently bought 2 females to go along with him...(ya know, he could be lonely!) Anyway, for a few days after i put them in he chased them around the tank, he didn't seem to be hurting either of them, so i let them be... well yesterday i noticed he began to turn colors.... he was always a very pale blue gourami (more whiteish actually) -- and he began to get darkened stripes, and a bit more blue to his pigment... i automatically assumed it was breeding time and he was changing colors for it... but today i noticed the females have been beating up on him and he has spots on him where i can tell they have nipped him good. He can't swim well now since they seem to have torn his fin.... could it be i have a female? Also, what type of medicines do i need to purchase to dress his wounds? And, do i put him back in the tank after he has healed? Any advice is Definetly welcome!!!

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Jan 3, 2006
Oh, and i also need to mention this... well i took the beat up fish out of the tank and put him in a different one, but as soon as i did, i noticed one of the females really nipping at the other female, so, i put him back in the original tank, and removed her.... things are going well, except now when the female fish comes close to him he nips her, and she lets him! Actually i've seen her several times turn verticle facing the ground and just swim there in place, while he nips her... why are they doing this? They seem to have just gone Crazy!

Jan 3, 2006
Well the problem i guess has kind of been taken care of..... i went to town, got a new tank and fish medicine for my male, and took back the aggressive female. The male died that night.. so i'm back to one fish! Sad Day!