Help finrot?????


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011
My goldfish have been in their new 200 litre aquarium for 3weeks (ish) the tank was set up for about a month before that & a quarter full with apple snails in, then I added new water, water conditioner & added the fish plus live all was well as I kept doing about a 20 litre water change every 2-3 days & they all seemed happy. (note there are 2 fantails, & the rest are common goldies)
Ok so cut to today & both fantails have red streaks in their tails and are at the bottom of the tank with there bottom end sagging to the floor...they seem v.inactive as do all the rest of the goldies, but only these 2 have the red streaks. Also the one with less red streaks has been leaping from the water & has never done this before.I am v.worried as I lost a fantail to fin rot last yr & he had to be put down as no treatments worked (not in this tank though) Also both fantails have been flashing!
I have added aquarium salt & a natural bacteria called Sabbactisun (its a 10 day teratment which doesnt harm any bacteria as mine are fragile, or plants or snails) I have also taken out 20 litres of water so the spraybar causes more water agitation & bubbles.
Please note that last week I emptied my Eheim filter & it was black, so I rinsed thru all filters with aquarium water & replaced it, it was good for 4-5 days but now seems to have lost a little pressure.
I am v. worried that I will lose my goldfish, any advice would help, i am just scared to treat them with myaxin (spelling not correct) or methlyne blue as it will decimate all the new bacteria.
I tested my nitrates & the test said ,your filter bacteria was beginning to establish & to continue adding Filter Start but i stopped adding it 2 weeks ago as it turned the water so foggy you couldnt see any fish, & the pet store guy said "dont add anything let nature take its course" It read 0.25mg/L Also my PH said ideal PH for most community coldwater aquariums PH 7.5
Any help to save my fishes would result in a lifetime of worship!!!
Thanks for your time.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011
Finrot??? Help!!

Ive had my goldfish (2 fantail, 4 normal) in my new 260 litre aquarium for 3-4 weeks. before this it was established for a month, it was a 5th full & full of applesanils, so I topped up to 200 litres, added water treatment & filter start for 2 weeks then added the goldfish. First I added 3, then another 2, then one (with about seven days between each addition)
All was well, i was doing 20 litre water change 2-3 times a week & they all seemed happy.
Cut to now & both my fantails have red steraks in there tails & all fish seem to be sunk to the bottom & v.inactive, the fantails seem like there bottom fins are weighed down...Ive added aquarium salt & sabbactisun (a natural bacteria for treatment of ulcers, finrot,fungus,dropsy & bacterial infections which doesnt harm plants, snails or bacteria. Also the 2 fantails have been fladhing!
I have stopped adding the bacteria start 2 weeks ago as the tank was so cloudy i couldnt see any fish in it & the petstore said "stop adding it & let nature take its course"
I am worried they've got firot & havent treated them with Myaxin or methylene blue (spelling maybe wrong) as I didnt want to kill all the new bacteria.
Please note that 3 days ago I completely cleaned y Eheim filter as the pressure was gone from the spray bar & when I opened it the water was black, so I rinsed it in aquarium water & filled it back up.
So my ph test kit reads ph 7.5 (ideal ph for most community cold water aquariums) & my nitrate check kit reads 0.25mg/L (filter bacteria beginning to establish, continue adding filter start)
So what do i do to save these fish?
Is it fin rot?
Is it a lack of good bacteria?
PLEASE ANY help will result in a liftime of worship.
Thanks for your help.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011

My goldfish fantail have red streaks in there tail, also hanging at the bottom of tank seems like there tails are weighed down, have all the red threads running thru there tails, flashing too & one has been jumping out of water, tank is 200 litres & 2 months old. Help please, havent treated with myaxin or methlyene blue as dont want to kill new bacteria.Have put in salt & sabbutisun natural bacteria, fintot cure which doesnt hurt palnts or bacteria


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You have three different threads about the same problem and it is kind of confusing as to what you really have as far as number of fish. It does not sound like your tank is cycled. The pH normally isn't a concern, its the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and you certainly don't have enough nitrate to have a cycled tank. What is your ammonia reading? That sounds like it could be your biggest problem, plus you have added things I am not familiar with. Salt is usually not necessary and it probably killed the snails. Have you ever read the instructions for cycling a tank before adding fish or if you are going to do a fish in cycle not to use so many fish?

Feb 27, 2009
You mentioned in one of your other 'fin rot' threads that you nitrate is at 0.25. I've never seen a test kit measure nitrate that accurately. Most test kits have a 0, then 5, then 10, then 20, etc.

Are you sure the reading isn't for ammonia or nitrite? I would recommend daily or 2x a day water changes with same temperature water until the tank cycles. Also, the bioload of goldfish is very high, you likely do not have enough water volume to keep so many goldfish healthy. 2 or 3 maximum for 200litre tank, if there are no other tankmates.