help for beginner 14 gal Biocube


Superstar Fish
RO water is a must. Many many patients, salt tanks are slow going so don't rush them or you will likely fail. Any failed salt experience is expansive compared to fresh. You will need a reef test kit, salinity tester, plus the ammonia test as well. Fish just can't be added, they need to me acclimated to your water so research and ask you local fish store for help with this very important step. Mix your salt solution a couple days before you are ready to change water. Be sure to have lots of live rock, like 20 pounds or better. Read and research every fish/invertebrate before you buy for compatibility. These are just a few musts, I am sure others will have more.


Medium Fish
Feb 6, 2008
Lawrence, KS
I agree with everything that KcMopar said. I would definitily read all of the stickies. After that read some more about saltwater tanks/reef tanks. Researching will save you a lot of time, money, and hardaches in this hobby. After you have a basic idea of saltwater tanks and what you personally want to accomplish with your tank then we can answer some more specific questions you have (like lighting and circulation).