
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
i have 4 gouramis in my tank 2 male and 2 female. about a year ago one of them died and she had excess mucus on her. she was fat and she looked pregnant.she swam for a while and then dropped to the floor and then got up swam and dropped again continuously. she was like that for a few weeks and then she died(she was fat for a few weeks). i checked my tank and the test showed some ammonia. so i read the leaflet and it said ammonia could cause excess i thought no more of it. once the ammonia was 0, i got a new female. now she is fat and she is laying on the bottom swimming every now and then.she is as i guess dieing. i dont think she has more than a day now. i noticed the male has not made any bubblenests so i assume it was not pregnancy. i really need some help so i can help the other female if it happens again. i would really really appreciate some help. plz plz plz. thanks very much.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Need you to give us some more information I think. When you say "excess mucus" what exactly are you seeing is it white?? What size tank are they in? Do you have your test results for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate that you could share with us? What do you feed them? and then also any information about tank maintenance, how often and how large of water changes you do etc. Any information you can give us should help solve the issue.

Inability to stay upright or swim correctly usually means there is a swim bladder issue which can be caused by lots of things, but many times by poor water quality.

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
ok sorry. she has trouble staying upright most of the time if not all. she lays on the bottom. the test levels were: ammonia 0, nitrite 0.3 (lowest),ph 7 (neutral). i do a water change every 2 weeks and that is a 25% change. filter is cleaned when the indicator tells me too. thanks for the help guys.

ps at the moment she is in a treatment tank with some methylene blue. i couldn't watch her die . i had to do something.

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
she was in a 19 g tank

but at the moment i see no future for her. she has one eye missing and she cant swim at all. she can only breathe.(her gills are still moving.

i need your advice. shall i let her go or keep fighting.